AASHTOWare Project™

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The AASHTOWare Project system is for official business use by WisDOT and authorized users only. External users of the system including contractors and consultants may not access any data unless it is directly relative to the construction projects for which they are under contract with WisDOT. Use of the AASHTOWare Project system is monitored. WisDOT will audit all data created, viewed, updated and deleted in a manner consistent with state and federal law.

For assistance, contact the WisDOT AASHTOWare Project System Administrators at AWPSupport@dot.wi.gov

Version 5.01 Revision 030

AASHTOWare Project™ and the AASHTOWare Project™ logo are registered trademarks of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Copyright ©1997-2024 AASHTO.